Swim with Dolphins in their Natural Environment
Dolphin guide
Dive instructor
Administration Egypt
Nooraya is a beautiful boat, 29 meters long and 7 meters wide, built in 2005. It has been completely redesigned and refurnished over the years and offers all the necessary comfort to make your trip a peaceful and unforgettable experience! The crew members on board are at our disposal at all times and offer excellent professional service. The cook on board combines different styles of cuisine and offers a variety of exquisite menus throughout the week. Nooraya meets all the safety rules of the international coast guards and is perfectly suited and equipped for dolphin trips (snorkeling) as well as for diving trips.
Read MoreSpacious and quiet, the shady turquoise bridge on the first floor brings us together every day for the activities on offer and for sharing. It is also used for quiet moments: reading, music or just rest! From this deck, we have an amazing view over the marvellouse turquoise waters of Sataya!
Read MoreA beautiful and spacious wooden deck located on the 2nd and top floor of the boat, perfect for sunbathing and for quiet moments at sunrise and sunset. The sundeck is mostly used to sleep under the beautiful sky of Sataya where the milky way, the moon and the stars fill our dreams …
Read MoreAt the back of the boat, a platform with ladder greets us when we get out of the water or when we go up zodiacs. This is where we can shower, then rinse and store our equipment after meeting the dolphins or snorkeling.
Read MoreA wooden space overlooking the blue waters of Sataya where we can be a little alone or sunbathing.
Read MoreThis pleasant and bright lounge is the best place to gather, socialize, have some interactions, listen to music and drink some tea or coffee or even aperitif... It’s the place where snacks and fruit salads are served where some of the information meetings are held. This deck also provides all necessary diving equipment like tanks and weights.
Read MoreOur classic wooden salon offers a bar corner and a TV set with dvd player. Next to the salon, a cosy dining room welcomes the guests around its tables for the buffet.
Read More8 comfortable and cozy cabins are situated in the boat’s hold. These cabins have two single beds. The first deck provides with three more double cabins, 2 with 2 single beds and one with a double bed. Each cabin has ist own bathroom with sink, shower and toilet and is equipped with an individual fan.
Read MoreThe Nooraya crew is available at all times and provide professional services. Our chef preparing varied delicous menus throughout the entire week. The crew is composed of 8 Egyptians (the Captain, the cook and assistant cook, the butler, three seamen also responsible for the zodiacs and 1 mecanics). Our snorkel guide and dive guide will take care of you in the water! This crew is qualified, experienced and well known for their kindness and readiness to serve.
Read More1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. Nous passons une semaine sur un bateau loin de tout dans le silence de la mer entourés de dauphins, poissons et autres êtres magiques dans un cadre merveilleux.
1 week of boating Nooraya in Sataya. We nemen je graag met een groep B-Oners mee. We verblijven de hele week op een prachtige boot. Het wordt TOP! Sataya bay is een koraalrif in de rode zee van Egypt. Je vertrekt met het vliegtuig vanuit Zaventem (de exact data en uren worden later vermeld). Dus hou rekening met eventuele verschuivingen). From hele week verblijf i op from Nooraya boot. Tot 3 keer per dag krijg je de kans om met vrije dolfijnen te zwemmen. Je heb zeker een unieke en zalige ervaring die een diepgaande transformatie activeert in jezelf. Want zwemmen tussen en met dolfijnen is een goddelijke ervaring. Je moet het ervaren om te weten waarover we spreken. Maar er is veel meer…
1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. Au coeur de la Baie de Sataya, je vous propose une semaine pour se connecter au Vivant autour de Soi et en Soi. Guidée par les cétacés et le monde marin, cette semaine est une invitation à reconnaître cette beauté qui habite chaque Etre ...
1 week on the Nooraya in Sataya. Fluidify the heart, body and mind. Free the heart, take care of yourself in depth with the loving presence of wild dolphins
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Alexandra will accompany you throughout this journey in the full awareness of what is. The different techniques practiced during the week: Mindful and active meditations, EFT, Self-Hypnosis, numerology, yoga of laughter and surprises ...
Eén week op de boot Nooraya in het Sataya rif in de Rode Zee, Egypte. Zwemmen samen met dolfijnen, hun vreugde voelen en de intense vreugde voelen als ze er plots zijn! Een geweldige ervaring op zich. En er is meer. In deze magische omgeving zetten we de toon voor jouw volgende stap en bewandelen we een dieper pad in onszelf. Via yoga, sound healing circles en de energie van de dolfijnen krijgen we helderheid in wat nog onduidelijk was, en kan er beweging komen in wat eerder moeizaam aanvoelde. Klaar voor deze mooie transformerende ervaring?
1 settimana sulla barca Nooraya a Sataya - 1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. “MyHome” CorpoMovimentoDanza secondo i principi dell’Anatomia Divina e della Geometria Sacra. Il percorso di ritorno al proprio Sé passa attraverso i principi fondamentali dell’Ayurveda che ci permetteranno di riequilibrare e reintegrare il dialogo innato con la natura in una prospettiva universale di micro-macrocosmo (Essere Umano – Natura) CorpsMouvementDanse selon les principes de l’Anatomie Divine et de la Géométrie Sacrée Le parcours de retour à Soi-même passe par les principes de base de l’Ayurveda qui nous permettra de rééquilibrer et réintégrer le dialogue inné avec la nature dans une perspective universelle de micro-macrocosme (ètre humain-Nature)
1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. Valérie et Stéphane vous proposent diverses activités corporelles et énergétiques lors de ce voyage initiatique. En effet, rencontrer les dauphins de Sataya ouvre la vibration du cœur et cela se prolongera à bord lors des ateliers et cercles de partage. Stéphane pratique l'Aïkido depuis 46 ans et est spécialisé en soins énergétiques Shiatsu et Qi Gong. Valérie est passionnée par le corps dans toutes ses dimensions, en tant qu'artiste du Mouvement et médecin. Les activités à bord sont adaptées au groupe et ouvertes à tous et tous âges. Leurs sites: www.shotomai.com (Valérie) & www.sakuradojo.be (Stéphane)
1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. Diane vous propose un espace intime avec la mer, un espace de jeu, de découverte de soi et de fête, le cœur grand ouvert guidés par les dauphins dans la baie. Une invitation à accueillir toute la profondeur et sagesse de votre âme dans un lieu qui favorise votre alignement avec elle. A chaque rencontre avec les dauphins, c'est une proposition d'intimité différente avec vous-même, avec le groupe et avec eux, unique et parfaitement ajustée à chacun. Vous vous reliez avec les espaces endormis de votre être qui brûlent de reprendre vie nourris par la joie de votre enfant intérieur. Les dauphins lisent votre coeur comme s'ils vous avaient toujours connu et acceuillent tout de lui. Diane se fait leur assistante et messagère quand c'est utile, et vous soutien surtout à vous laisser porter avec fluidité par le groupe, la mer et les dauphins dans votre authenticité et liberté d'être.
“MyHome” Voyage à Sataya du 13 au 20 septembre 2025 CorpsMouvementDanse selon les principes de l’Anatomie Divine et de la Géométrie Sacrée. Le parcours de retour à Soi-même passe par les principes de base de l’Ayurveda qui nous permettra de rééquilibrer et réintégrer le dialogue inné avec la nature dans une perspective universelle de micro-macrocosme (ètre humain-Nature)
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. We are delighted to invite you on this unique adventure where art, play, dance, yoga, massage, sharing, water, freediving, dolphins, inner transformation and the child-parent bond meet in a harmonious dance.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Discover the power of breath, the joy of feeling good in your body, of settling into your heart. Embark on a unique conscious cruise where a hundred free dolphins, protected by a majestic coral reef, await you to share games, interactions and deep communication
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. An introduction to dolphin medicine... rediscover the magic and its wild state... through singing, dancing, self-expression on several levels of being... to the Human Being that you are.
Qigong and Dolphins ... what correspondences ... Soft and deep breathing, take support and make the breath emerge from the pelvis, then let the Body move, all in fluidity, in its entirety and feel the Heart expand ... freely, naturally. Sweet harmony between the Fire of the Heart and the Water of the Kidneys, between the Love medicine of the Dolphin and the Qi, the coiled Energy, vibrant root in the center of the pelvis.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Ramona & Dominique welcome you for 1 unforgettable week of immersion in Sataya. Together, they co-host a workshop with inspiring lighting, bringing you a singularity of sharing and awakening with the free dolphins of Sataya.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins in the wild is a unique and magical experience. They open our hearts, reconnect us with our free and joyful child and invite us to be fully ourselves! They also offer us the opportunity to connect and align with our soul. Self-coaching will help us!
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Introduction to Sacred Geometry: The perfect shape of the dolphin's body is based on the golden ratio! Learn about the universal laws that govern the Universe and Creation and swim with Sataya's free dolphins
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Join us for a unique week aboard the Nooraya in the crystal clear turquoise waters of Sataya. This week's theme CONNECTION TO YOURSELF AND TO LIFE: (Re)Find the joy of being in connection with yourself, your body, the sea, the dolphins, the planet, the universe. I will support you with 2 daily workshops (2x 1 hour). I will offer unique energy meditation sessions where you will discover (or rediscover) the space of Symphonies of Possibilities energies in communion with this unique place. We will also reconnect the internal movement of our cells through simple and pragmatic exercises and play with this movement.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. There is a place of joy, heart and peace. At Sataya, we invite you to take a step closer to ourselves, to also explore this world. Guided by cetaceans and the marine world, we invite you to recognize our strength of the Living, present in each of us and to let it guide us. Let's discover together the richness of our inner world, lulled by the sea and the presence of dolphins.
1 week on the Nai'a boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins in the wild is a unique and magical experience. They open our hearts, reconnect us with our free and joyful child and invite us to be fully ourselves. They also offer us the opportunity to connect and align with our Soul. Self-coaching will help us!
1 week in Sataya. During the workshops on the boat, relying on the messages of the body, go fully to meet the other, the group, then the dolphins, to feel the energy which circulates, to feel the life and the movement, to inside you and all around you
You are most welcome join Kiara Windrider for a week with our beautiful dolphin friends. Besides having opportunities to swim with dolphins two or three times a day we will also include evening practices and meditations for connecting with our own hearts, and for entering into deeper mastery in our journey of life.
During this week-long trip on the Nooraya boat in Sataya, discover practices intended to cultivate inner peace and self-love with Mélinda Cart, Geotran coach and instructor. Through these practices, you can begin to accept and appreciate yourself for a more satisfying and rewarding approach to life. By using Geotran, we will access a positive state of mind that you can cultivate for the rest of your life. During this one-week trip on the Nooraya boat, in Sataya, you have the opportunity to discover practices to cultivate inner peace and self-love with Mélinda Cart, Geotran Coach and Instructor. Through those practices, you will start to accept and appreciate yourself for a mindset that makes your life more satisfying and more fulfilling. Using Geotran practices, we will access a positive mindset that you will be able to maintain for the rest of your life.
1 week in Sataya. Zelfcoaching in relaxation op de dolfijnenreis met Ellen Poppe. Sataya een heerlijke plek om you connecten met de dolfijnen en het ritme van de natuur, en .... jezelf natuurlijk. Geef diepte aan deze ervaring door zelfcoaching, yoga en relaxatie momenten en gezond eten. Kom een week energy bijtanken.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. An initiation journey to vibrate in unison with the dolphins in communion with all the elements of Nature in the expression of Beauty and Joy. Children and families are welcome.
Connect with the stars, dance in the fluidity of sacred water, discover union with the soul of the dolphin ...
1 week in Sataya. Greet the setting sun by exhaling our worries, by inhaling the sea air, salutary and much-needed emptying. Simply breathe, observe and let go through sounds, lights and smells
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. It is with immense happiness that we will accompany you with the program, sessions of sharing, meditations, self-massages and conscious breaths in order to integrate and fluidify internal transformations ...
1 week in Sataya. In the dense blue of the Ocean, shines the soft bay of Sataya, just as in our depths, shines our luminous authenticity.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. This apnea-dolphin retreat is above all a time to withdraw from everyday life and get out of your routine. It is intended to be an immersive learning experience where all your senses will be called upon.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. In the middle of the Red Sea, far from the coast, sheltered by the heart-shaped reef, in this beautiful bay formed by 2 ancient volcanoes, we are led to let go of our own moorings....
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Techniques practiced during the week: Mindfulness and active meditations, numerology, Hypnosis, intuitive dance ... Every day work on the opening of the Chakras associated with group energy care. The energy of the dolphins will amplify the care received because they are beings of supreme intelligence that vibrate inside all of us.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Each end of the day at the time when the night follows the day, the drum will invite you to find your power animal, to check how close we are all. To feed on what our mother earth offers us, to feel it physically in each of our 12,000 daily inspirations and to return it to the universe with gratitude with each conscious expiration
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins touches us in the depths of our being, opens our hearts! Dolphins guide us to a new world, a world without violence where benevolent communication is present.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. An opportunity to connect deeply with your Self, to recharge, to swim consciously with dolphins and to radiate who we really are.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins is also diving inside your Self. An opportunity to connect to the very essence of who you are and let your true Being emerge.
! CE VOYAGE EST REPORTE AU 22 MAI 2021 ! 1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. En pleine mer Rouge, loin de la côte, à l’abri du récif en forme de cœur, dans cette magnifique baie formée par 2 anciens volcans, nous sommes amenés à lâcher nos propres amarres....
! CE VOYAGE EST REPORTE AU 15 MAI 2021 ! 1 semaine sur le bateau Nooraya à Sataya. "En regardant ainsi le ciel, notre Ame est comme devant un miroir ... et le thème natal est notre mandala vibratoire ... rien n'est écrit ... tout se reflète ... dans le cycle infini de l'Univers"
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins touches us in the depths of our being, opens our hearts! Dolphins guide us to a new world, a world without violence where benevolent communication is present.
! THIS TRIP IS POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER 4, 2021! 1 week on the Nai'a boat in Sataya This retreat is for you if you want to: - Reconnect to the water element - Awaken the potential of your aquatic origin - Develop your aquacity - Master the technical basics of breathing - Adopt a relaxation attitude - Learn to let go - Highlight your mammalian reflexes - Face your fears - Create a subtle relationship with dolphins - Understand your emotions after a dolphin connection All in a caring approach in the heart of a place magical and enchanting
1 week on the Nai'a boat in Sataya. Sounds are the essence of all life on earth. The workshops that I offer revolve around sounds and its benefits. The voice being our first musical instrument, the practice of sound connects us to our pure essence beyond any aesthetic or academic concept. I invite you to experience it by practicing at Sataya in the Dolphin Universe.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. An introduction to dolphin medicine... rediscover the magic and its wild state... through singing, dancing, self-expression on several levels of being... to the Human Being that you are.
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. During your week of meeting with the dolphins of the Red Sea and meeting with yourself, all the workshops on board will aim to allow you to experience a total opening of the heart and thus to get closer to the natural state of Being the dolphins have
1 week on the Nooraya boat in Sataya. Swimming with dolphins touches us in the depths of our being, opens our hearts! Dolphins guide us to a new world, a world without violence where benevolent communication is present.
Price, Telephone network and internet on board, What should I take with me...
Read MoreCruise bookings and excursions: Please read our travel conditions carefully before making your reservation. Any booking implies the acceptance of these conditions.
Read MorePlease read this document carefully. We will have a briefing on board with our snorkel and dive guides who will give you detailed instructions concerning our safety on board and in the water. After this briefing, you'll be asked to sign this document for agreement.
Read MoreTitle | Date | Day | Location |
Information meeting for the dolphin trip from July 14 to 21 | 29 May 2024 | Wednesday | rue du Vieux Moulin 72 in 1160 Auderghem from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. |
Information session for the dolphin trip from April 14 to 21 | 28 Feb 2024 | Wednesday | Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83423013791 |
Information meeting via zoom about the Dolphins Retreat from April 14-21, 2024 | 27 Jan 2024 | Saturday | Online Event |
Introducing our Dolphin Trips in 2020 | 23 Jun 2020 | Tuesday | Avenue Prince de Liège 6, Rixensart, Belgium |
Introducing our Dolphin Trips in 2020 | 08 Mar 2020 | Sunday | Aline Suchet - Grand Rue, 57 in Aubonne - Switzerland |
Introducing the dolphin trip from April 25th to May 2nd 2020 | 25 Feb 2020 | Tuesday | La Baleine Hall: 39 Boulevard des capelles, 31830 Plaisance du Touch (Toulouse), France |
Introducing our Dolphin Trips in 2020 | 09 Feb 2020 | Sunday | 2a, Avenue Sainte Thérèse - Rhode-Saint-Genesis, Belgium |
Introducing our Dolphin Trips in 2020 | 26 Jan 2020 | Sunday | Avenue des Azalees 21, Schaerbeek, Belgium |